Posts by Bob McCallister

As technology evolves, so does the world of commerce. And as business evolves, so does the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). People with that executive-level job title used to be, for the most part, in charge of a team of order-takers. Install a network, provide more laptops, onboard new employees with email addresses. Those sort of tactical to-dos. But the “information” aspect of the CIO role has run its course. CIOs are now…  MORE


Ever since the pandemic of 2020, retailers have been challenged with both hiring and retaining frontline workers. Employees had concerns about safety and wages. But it turns out they also left their jobs for another significant reason: Not enough technology to able to adequately perform their work. This notion came through in a global survey by Scandit, a barcode scanning platform for mobile enterprise apps. Of many key findings, the survey showed that 40% of retail…  MORE


The gaming industry has traveled light years since the days when Pacman and Donkey Kong dominated pop culture. And it’s all due to rapid-fire advancements in technology from one year to the next. 2024 has taken gaming even farther, completely altering how we perceive the possibilities of games. One big driver for gaming acceleration has been Virtual Reality (VR). In fact, VR has brought a fundamental shift in gameplay mechanics and design possibilities. In turn,…  MORE


When it comes to gaining competitive advantage, retailers have never had a more difficult challenge. Loyalty is a thing of the past, as is automatic purchase based solely on brand reputation. Consumers now study product comparisons, watch video reviews, and scroll Twitter feeds to spot both the good and the bad. They demand no-questions-asked returns and free shipping. The tiniest negative perception will induce a click to the competitor’s site. And if that’s not enough…  MORE


So you sell retail goods? The same can be said for your competitors. In the battle between you and everyone else in your category, your offerings are no longer the sole reason why someone chooses one retailer over another. The winning recipe can often be distilled to one element: the quality of the customer experience. Of course, the actual products themselves play a role in your success. Yet consumers, increasingly, can view specific product categories…  MORE


Since the dawn of retail, the store window has played a key role in sales. Merchandising, displays, mannequins, and other promotional tactics – when executed correctly – can lure customers and increase cash flow. We’re now witnessing an expanded function of the store window, thanks to the latest digital technology. Due to Covid, consumers today spend more time on their devices, which causes them to shop differently. In turn, retailers have been forced to create…  MORE


When considering potential technology solutions, IT leaders want to save as much money as possible. And increasingly, they also have a mandate to execute sustainable technology practices. With artificial intelligence (AI), CIOs and CTOs can accomplish both of those goals at the same time. It turns out they can achieve those objectives by writing greener code. For some time, coders have looked for ways for their work to be more environmentally friendly. But that noble…  MORE


One of the most negative concepts for IT leaders is “legacy systems.” The term brings to mind slow, outdated technology that’s ready for the scrapheap. It’s technology that must be replaced in order for the organization to remain competitive and get ahead. After all, there are new business processes to adopt, new market challenges to meet, and new employee requirements. Legacy technology, says conventional wisdom, will not only hinder growth – it will cost you…  MORE