The power of the physical/cybersecurity combination

The power of the physical/cybersecurity combination


Physical security and cybersecurity measures have traditionally been viewed as separate efforts. But integrating the two provides a host of benefits: enhanced threat detection, improved response efforts, decreased costs, and ultimately a stronger security presence. Connecting both physical and cybersecurity is critical due to the ever-increasing interconnected world, both in business specifically and society in general. Consider the how The Internet of Things (IoT) is meshing more each day with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)…  MORE


To say that companies ask a lot from their IT departments is the ultimate in stating the obvious. Not only are they responsible for keeping employees up and running, they’re essentially in charge of keeping the business up and running. They do so much, it’s surprising we haven’t yet put them in charge of making the coffee. That said, we do need their help with another task – one’s that’s worthy of their expertise: To…  MORE


The first documented ransomware attack occurred in 1989. George Bush, Sr. was president. Microsoft released its first version of Microsoft Office. Million of people watched When Harry Met Sally. That’s a long time ago. You would think 30 years later we’d have a grip on ransomware. But organizations are still being held digital hostages on a large scale: According to Cybercrime Magazine, this year there will be a ransomware attack every 11 seconds. Since 1989…  MORE


Unless you’ve been living deep in the Amazon jungle, you know how the world is now more connected than at any time in history. Technical advances, data sharing, and the massive digital transformation of corporations has sped up communication and created seamless connections between millions of people. But as much as we reap the advantages of this new order, we also have to contend with the negative ramifications on cyber security. Because wherever there’s sensitive…  MORE


No one could realistically debate the importance of IT services. To literally stay in business and serve their customers, every company needs a reliable network and data security. But the reality is that many can’t afford a full-time, in-house staff that’s up to speed with latest technology. That’s why it’s become common to outsource IT services to a managed service provider (MSP). Part of that working relationship means that the provider assumes a certain level…  MORE


Be aware of ransomware

February 14, 2017  |  BY

Ransom isn’t the same as it used to be. In the past there were kidnappings, secret hideouts and negotiations between the good guys and the bad guys. Now we have ransomware, a term that describes how a computer is first infected, then its data encrypted, with the “kidnapper” threatening to destroy the data unless they’re paid a lot of money. Ransomware isn’t a new by any stretch. But according to security provider Carbon Black, ransomware…  MORE


When we hear about security breaches on the news, it’s always about a disaster at a big enterprise. Target, Walmart and Home Depot are just some of the major players that have dealt with the damage and public scrutiny that results from cybercrime. Owners of small and medium-sized businesses may sit back and think, “Good thing we won’t have that problem.” Unfortunately, Internet criminals don’t discriminate. Customer data and credit card numbers are equally valuable…  MORE


If you’re old enough to remember professional basketball in the 1990s, you surely recall the dominance of Michael Jordan. It got to the point that opposing teams implemented a wishful thinking type of strategy: In order to beat the Bulls, they had to contain Jordan, since stopping him was impossible. Although passes were the only thing that Jordan ever stole, the same strategy applies to how companies have to approach hackers looking to steal credit…  MORE