Give your business a periodic cyber security check up

Give your business a periodic cyber security check up


Beyond the day-to-day marketing, business development, operations, and human resources activities, every company must also contend with security threats. It’s simply part of the process of doing business in the digital age, when cyber crime can lead to financial losses, reduced productivity and poor customer confidence. Given this reality, it’s imperative for your business to periodically invest time in reviewing your cyber security protections. Some tips: Clean out the clutter With all the concern about…  MORE


It seems like every other month, we hear about a security breach at a large company. And when that large company is a mega-retailer, like Target, there’s huge trouble. Not just for the hundreds of thousands (or millions) of consumer records in the database, but a loss of consumer confidence. What’s a poor retailer to do? Once a reputation gets damaged, it’s tough to win back confidence from customers who have dozens of other shopping…  MORE