The rise of apps for deskless retail workers

The rise of apps for deskless retail workers

Emerging Tech

In the 21st century, retailers are constantly adapting to new market conditions by implementing ever-innovative technology. One primary – and very recent – example is how brands are adjusting to the rise of the “deskless” employee. Deskless workers are just that – they spend most of their time on their feet, interacting with customers and products. And retailers are counting on them more this year, as we continue to see a post-pandemic increase of in-store…  MORE


Technology can do wonders for growing retail operation. The right combination of software and systems improve the customer experience, enhance employee productivity, and optimize the supply chain. Cutting-edge technology can also provide another key benefit: frictionless shopping. “Frictionless shopping” means eliminating unnecessary steps or obstacles between a consumer’s desire to buy and the completion of the transaction. There has always been “friction” in retail, ever since the first medieval merchants set up shop hundreds of…  MORE


When it comes to technology, success isn’t strictly determined by the products you create or the services you offer. Competitive advantage, and the profits that come with it, often stems from the strength of your business partnerships. But developing a valuable alliance requires more than a handshake over coffee. Many estimates show that nearly 70% of strategic partnerships end in failure. That’s due to unrealistic expectations, misaligned objectives, and lack of precise communication. Don’t let that…  MORE


The gaming industry has traveled light years since the days when Pacman and Donkey Kong dominated pop culture. And it’s all due to rapid-fire advancements in technology from one year to the next. 2024 has taken gaming even farther, completely altering how we perceive the possibilities of games. One big driver for gaming acceleration has been Virtual Reality (VR). In fact, VR has brought a fundamental shift in gameplay mechanics and design possibilities. In turn,…  MORE


It’s not what you sell, but rather the data you use to sell it. That’s the winning sales philosophy for today’s retailers. Indeed, your actual product offering plays only a small role in modern day retail success. From grocery chains to clothing outlets, leaders understand that the higher the quality of data, the better the customer insight, market analysis, and potential for profits and growth. And the secret sauce is mastering how to engage consumers…  MORE


No technology leader can be blamed for feeling a bit overwhelmed with how to handle artificial intelligence (AI). On one hand, there’s the prevailing message that AI will not only fundamentally change business, it will completely transform how we live. On the other hand, CIOs and CTOs must not be blinded by any amount of potential hype. Those competing mindsets are causing many leaders to employ a pragmatic approach to AI deployment strategy. According to…  MORE


So you sell retail goods? The same can be said for your competitors. In the battle between you and everyone else in your category, your offerings are no longer the sole reason why someone chooses one retailer over another. The winning recipe can often be distilled to one element: the quality of the customer experience. Of course, the actual products themselves play a role in your success. Yet consumers, increasingly, can view specific product categories…  MORE


When retail leaders have trouble sleeping at night, it’s not necessarily because they’re worried about low sales of specific products. Rather, their lack of rest stems from more of a high-level concern: How can they provide faster delivery, keep costs low, improve efficiency and security, and better predict the forces that will affect the supply chain? And more than ever, major retailers are turning to GPS tracking technology as the answer to that multi-pronged question….  MORE