Cloud projects fail the same way presidential candidates fail

Cloud projects fail the same way presidential candidates fail
August 1, 2016  |  BY

Just when you thought that this current presidential campaign couldn’t get stranger, a telecommunications consultancy is going to get involved.

But don’t worry. We’re not here to push for one candidate or one party.

We wanted to speak up because, as concerned citizens like you, we can spot moments in a campaign and cringe, “Oh no, he/she didn’t really just say that, right?”

And as a firm that specializes in cloud implementations, we often read stories that makes us cringe at how some cloud projects gets carried out.

Turns out the cloud has a lot to do with political campaigns. Here’s what can wrong with both:

There isn’t a well thought out strategy
As telecommunications and technology pros, we know about the benefits of a cloud-based network. So do a lot of organizations that have made the switch. But the cloud won’t work for everyone if it isn’t aligned with a true business case.

Some arbitrarily want to migrate to the cloud simply because it’s the trendy Next Big Thing. But once the project gets started and those who pushed for it recognize problems, they’ll keep moving forward to save face.

The project, like the campaign, is doomed to fail.

There’s no consensus
In some unfortunate cases, someone high up in the organization decides that they need a cloud-based system. It’s “unfortunate” because they kick off the project without involving IT leadership, not bothering (or caring) to gather their opinions or professional insights.

Not only is this a slap in the face of the folks who will be running the system, it means zero enthusiasm from IT to help actually implement the system. There’s also bound to be negative emotional residue when the organization tries to implement other technology projects.

Those who initiated the project, like the politicians, are bound to burn some bridges.

Lack of foreseeing the ramifications
A candidate can propose a certain government program or legislation that, on the surface, seems like a pretty good idea. It appeals to common sense, even to the common good. But poke around and you might say, “Wait a minute.”

Cloud projects can have the same shiny exterior but empty interior. Companies can’t just plug into the cloud and have it be business as usual. By definition, they will have to change, especially on the operational and development level.

Just think of how companies had to adjust to the Internet, which completely altered how we communicated, and in many ways re-wrote the fundamentals of how we worked.

The same lessons apply with the cloud. If you’re going to migrate, draw up plans to determine if it makes sense. Because like an election, big money, a lot of jobs, and hard-earned reputations are on the line.