SD-WAN plays a major role in digital transformation

SD-WAN plays a major role in digital transformation
November 5, 2018  |  BY

We all understand that technology constantly changes. Interestingly, it’s not only that old tools get swapped for new ones, it’s that our initial perceptions of, and uses for, a specific technology evolve as well. Take SD-WAN. When we first became aware of SD-WAN, it was considered as a smart replacement for legacy WAN solutions. Think of MPLS and you’ll understand where I’m going.

But this approach has shifted with the rise of enterprise-level digital transformation. As companies adopt ways to improve efficiency and the customer experience, we now see how SD-WAN can add a different type of value. SD-WAN is the ideal enabler for a company’s cloud, mobility, and IoT initiatives.

Of course, we all know by now that most enterprises – if they haven’t done so already – are moving (or planning to move) to the cloud to handle data, applications, storage and security. To reach maximum performance, the cloud requires all of the benefits that WAN connectivity delivers. SD-WAN can also play a major role in system interoperability and digital platform enablement.

Based on these reasons and others, it’s no wonder that SD-WAN is quickly becoming an obvious choice for cloud connectivity. There are so many rich and robust benefits including centralized and managed performance, application aware routing, segmentation, fast and zero-touch provisioning, flexible and scalable deployment models, security, and others that bolster the overall digital transformation effort.

SD-WAN also aids system simplification and interoperability, which is a key element for winning digital transformations. As we mentioned earlier, the reality all companies must face is that technology can change overnight, and they must grapple with the ongoing challenges of human and machine applications, constant system upgrades, and a relentless need to improve efficiency and security. They must manage this array of complex tasks, but they need a simple way to do so. That’s where SD-WAN comes in, making it easy to carry out system simplification and interoperability.

To illustrate the point more specifically, bear in mind that SD-WAN runs on topology that is neutral to underlay network solutions. The benefit, then, is that if your company is struggling to maintain control over a variety of network services, you can use SD-WAN to bring everything onto a single fabric.

Here’s another scenario that conveys the power of SD-WAN: Imagine that on-site you host routers, switches, firewalls, and email, web and file servers. You could simplify operations by using SD-WAN to manage everything with just one uCPE/vCPE device, or even remotely through a cloud platform. In some cases, companies prefer to deploy in phases and begin with hybrid SD-WAN.

Forecasts abound in the world of technology. We seem them almost every day on web sites, on television, and our social media feed. Some are visionary that look ahead for decades into the future while others are very specific for the short term. For us, it’s clear that the industry will see SD-WAN increasingly weaved into digital transformations, across all industries. There are simply too many benefits to think otherwise.